523 Nelson Street
Port Bolivar, Texas 77650

Pastor Dennis Allen

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

2011 Calendar for First Baptist Church of Port Bolivar

Come and join us...one and all...

March 12, Beginning at 4:00 PM, Port Bolivar Volunteer Fire Department Oyster Supper, Fire Station in Port Bolivar. (All you can eat we hear).

March 19, Spaghetti Dinner, Fellowship Hall of the Church, 3:00 - 6:00 PM, Tickets are $8 each or two for $15, All proceeds go to support our youth attending summer camp.

April 9, Church Wide Treasure Hunt for all ages, Church Property at 523 Nelson, Port Bolivar, Texas 77650, Beginning at 2:00 PM, Designated areas for younger children, mid-age kids, and teens and adults, with lots of good prizes for all. We are conducting this Easter special prior to the actual Easter weekend so that all of our folks can participate. Bring a basket, box or bag, and your lawn chairs, please.

April 24, 6:00 AM, West End of Fort Travis, a very special Easter Sunrise Service at one of the most historic places on the entire peninsula. Easy access, near by parking, and a clean area in which to gather. Special music, congregational singing, and a brief message by our pastor, Dennis Allen. Bring a lawn chair and plan to stay for the breakfast style picnic to follow at the fort.

May 21 - In Celebration of our Mothers - Saturday afternoon, beginning at 3:00 PM, Fellowship Hall of the Church - The women will enjoy a delicious meal prepared by our men and teens in honor of Mother's Day. Please plan to have your own mother, an adopted mother, or a favorite aunt or mother in law in attendance with you.

June 18 - In Celebration of our Fathers - Saturday afternoon, beginning at 3:00 PM, Fellowship Hall of the Church - The men will enjoy a delicious meal prepared by our women and teens in honor of Father's Day. Please plan to have your own dad, an adopted day, or a favorite uncle or father in law in attendance with you.

June 27 - Our youth leave for summer camp in Louisiana. We are working on ways to pay for this adventure for them.

July 2 - Our kids return from summer camp.

July 23 - Happy Birthday, America - Red, White, and Blue Social celebrating the birth of our nation with patriotic music, special guests, and an American meal in the Fellowship Hall of the church. Begins at 3:00 PM.

August 27, Birthday Celebration for all Members, tables for each month of the year, lots of special surprises, in the Fellowship Hall of the church. There will be a birthday captain at each table to monitor decorations and fun. This event will begin at 3:00 PM. Don't dare miss it!

September 11 - Beginning with Sunday School at 10:00 AM, and following with the morning worship hour at 11:00 AM, we are celebrating Back to School Daze. Each member and guest is asked to wear what you might have worn to school. Prizes will be awarded for best school dress.

October 9 - On Sunday, October 9, we will celebrate Harvest Time and honor our pastor during Pastor Appreciation Month. Fall decorations, a good meal, and lots of fun, all taking place at our church location.

November 20 will be a Day of Gratitude and Old Fashioned Sunday where we will give thanks for all we have. A meal with be served following the morning service in the Fellowship Hall of the church.

December 10 - Beginning at 6:00 PM, our church members will celebrate Christmas with our traditional gift exchange and food. December is also Lottie Moon Special Offering for Missions Month.

Our Youth in Leadership program will take place on the last Sunday of every month during the 11:00 AM hour.

Our Church Wide Singing is on the fourth Sunday evening of each month, beginning at 6:00 PM, at our church.

The Methodist Church in Port Bolivar conducts its monthly singing on the fourth Saturday afternoon of each month beginning at 1:00 PM at their church location.

And, now you all know the rest of the story. Make your plans to travel around these events and begin now to invite special friends, neighbors, and coworkers to join us. Excited people excite people!

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