523 Nelson Street
Port Bolivar, Texas 77650

Pastor Dennis Allen

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Coming Events at First Baptist Church of Port Bolivar...

Thank you to all that
helped to make our
Easter Sunrise Service
the very special event
that it was.
We’ve heard nothing but positive
comments about the service.

Next Sunday is
Mother’s Day
May 8, 2011

Let’s all work to bring our own mother
or children if possible, and if not, bring
an “adopted mom or children” to the
special service.
What a blessing this will be!

Sunday School
Classes for all ages – 10:00 AM
Morning Worship on Sunday
11:00 AM
Sunday Evening Worship
6:00 PM
Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting
7:00 PM

May 21, 2011 at 3:00 PM
Mark Your Calendars Now…

We will be celebrating all of the ladies of our church. The men and teens will be responsible for the meal and the program. Ladies, we are asking each of you to decorate or borrow a hat for the occasion. We will have our own Ladies Hat Parade and choose some winners who will receive prizes for their creativity. Get involved and play along. You’ll have more fun by participating. And, we’ll be honoring the women of the church for all of the hard work they perform week after week.

Coming Events in May
May 5th is the National Day of Prayer

May 8th is Mother’s Day

Crab Festival May 6-8 at Gregory Park

May 21st is our Women’s Celebration Event
(and Ladies Hat Parade)

Methodist Church Singing on the 28th

Our Church Singing on the 29th

Memorial Day on May 30th

All are Welcome at First Baptist Church
of Port Bolivar

Sunday, May 1, 2011

for Holocaust and Heroes
Remembrance Sunday

Dennis Allen, Pastor

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Lots of fun for the entire family this coming Saturday, April 9, 2:00 PM

Come one, come all — This Saturday afternoon, April 9, beginning at 2:00 PM, at First Baptist Church of Port Bolivar, 523 Nelson, Port Bolivar, Texas 77650, Dennis Allen, Pastor, the church has planned an Easter Treasure Hunt for all ages, including our adult guests. There will be four separate hunts with the first being for children up to age 6, the second for children, ages 7-12, the third for teens with age appropriate prizes and gifts, and the fourth and perhaps most special for our adults, including our seniors.

Following the hunts, and the awarding of the grand prizes, we will enjoy an afternoon meal of sloppy joes, chips, pickles, home baked cookies and tea and lemonade.

We have purposely planned this activity two weeks away from Easter weekend so that those who must travel or spend time with extended families can participate. Bring those children, grandchildren, neighbors and friends to meet some very good people, have a laugh or two, and enjoy the nice prizes and gifts. Who doesn't like finding brightly colored Easter eggs and a prize or two?

Please call (409) 684-7285 for additional information. See you there! Casual dress.

Easter Sunrise Service, April 24th, 6:30 AM, Fort Travis

Easter Sunday Morning is one of the most special times on the beach all year. This year, a large group of us will be meeting at the West End of historic Fort Travis for this service in an honest attempt to make an organized, planned, thought out meeting available for those who have trouble getting to the wet sand of the beach. We're starting at 6:00 AM (groan, ugh, oh) to be able to see the actual sunrise from such a great vantage point.

First Baptist Church of Port Bolivar, Dennis Allen, Pastor, has planned special music, with lots of congregational singing, a short message, prayer, and a picnic style light breakfast at the fort following the service. All are welcome.

The Catholic community, along with the Methodists of Port Bolivar are participating. Tell your friends and be here for this historic first event of its kind at Fort Travis - Easter Sunday Morning, April 24.

Thanks to Ted Henley for the beautiful bright blue and white advertising signs all along the busy peninsula.